0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted March 1, 2020State of the Medical Device Market in EcuadorData that marketing and sales teams can use for projections and planning READ MORE
0 1 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted March 1, 2020State of the Medical Device Market in PeruData that marketing and sales teams can use for projections and planning READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted March 1, 2020The Best-Equipped Hospitals for Hosting Patients in the Dominican RepublicSeveral months ago we published HospiRank, our ranking of the best-equipped hospitals in Latin America in 7 key categories READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted February 27, 2020The 2020 Latin America Healthcare ForecastIn the video below, Guillaume Corpart — CEO of Global Health Intelligence — looks at key trends that are affecting healthcare in Latin America, ranging from an aging population and disease to [...] READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted January 23, 2020The Best-Equipped Hospitals for Hosting Patients in PeruBelow we offer a partial sneak peek of HospiRank 2020 by sharing the list of hospitals that are best equipped for hosting patients in Peru READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI Analysis, GHI AnalysisPosted January 23, 2020State of the Medical Device Market in Mexico2019 figures to help sales and marketing professionals understand the medical equipment market better READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted January 23, 2020State of the Medical Device Market in ColombiaData that marketing and sales teams can use for projections and planning READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted January 23, 2020State of the Medical Device Market in BrazilA rundown of the key numbers to create more effective sales and marketing plans READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted November 21, 2019Maximizing Your CRM for More SalesUnify data from scattered sources and clean your list even more thoroughly so it only has qualified prospects READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted November 21, 2019How to Gauge Market Demand Outside of Your Client BaseTips to measure market demand for medical devices or equipment among Latin American hospitals READ MORE