Market Share and Pricing Analysis of the Brazilian Home Healthcare Market Competitive Intelligence & Analysis Understand the market size, growth, and price ranges of selected products in its home healthcare manufacturing division.
Medical Tourism Market Assessment for Cancun-Miami Market Assessment Looking to Cancun and the surrounding area to attract more international customers to its health care facilities in South Florida
Reputational Risk Analysis for LatAm Insurance Markets Risk Analysis Support in multiple Latin American countries to assess the risks to an insurance underwriter interested in selling to government buyers.
Strategic Intelligence to Increase Market Share for an Insurance Company Competitive Intelligence & Analysis Redesign product and channel strategy to keep competitive and in command of a premium price position
Analysis of Brazil Healthcare Payment Industry Risk Analysis Assess its growth strategy outside the US, comparing several international markets
Competitive Analysis for the Latin American Pharmaceutical Industry Competitive Intelligence & Analysis Assess the potential threat presented by pharmaceutical companies in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico
Competitive Intelligence for Tenders for LatAm Government Healthcare Contracts Competitive Intelligence & Analysis
Driving Sales Force Effectiveness Modeling in Latin American Healthcare CRM and Salesforce Effectiveness Difficulties with sales force effectiveness (SFE) modeling.
Delivering Accurate CRM Data to a Medical Device Firm Operating in LatAm CRM and Salesforce Effectiveness Improve the quality of customer relationship management (CRM) data for Latin America