Key Data and Perspectives on the Medical Equipment Market

Global Health Intelligence has once again prepared a series of reports called LatAm Healthcare Pulse.

Our goal is to capture what is happening in Latin American hospitals and share these updates with our audience. Currently, our team is in regular contact with thousands of hospitals as we update information for our HospiScope database and offer new data for our Latin America Hospital Monitoring service.

What we’ve done is take advantage of that ongoing contact to produce this resource for our readers. This Pulse Report issue covers key perspectives on the medical equipment market in certain LatAm countries, and discusses topics such as:

  • Trends and demand for sutures in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia
  • Purchase and pricing considerations for sutures
  • Key attributes for sutures and brand preferences

And more!

Key Data and Perspectives on the Medical Equipment Market

Click here to download the report.

Deepen Your Insights

This report is just the beginning. If you’d like to have access to much more detailed data and monthly updates, subscribe to GHI’s Latin America Hospital Monitoring service. You access it using a Power BI platform with simple, efficient data displays. Click here to find out more about how you can subscribe to the Latin America Hospital Monitoring service.

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