0 0 By GHI Team In NewsPosted July 17, 2017Mexico: 40 million people suffer from some form of allergyApproximately 40 million people in Mexico suffer from allergy that affects the quality of life of families and causes school and work absenteeism. READ MORE
0 1 By GHI Team In GHI AnalysisPosted June 29, 2017The 3 Hottest Healthcare Equipment Markets in ArgentinaDespite the volatility, several modalities demonstrated growth between 2014 and 2016. READ MORE
0 0 By GHI Team In NewsPosted June 19, 2017Colombia: Association seeks to consider osteoporosis as a public health problemThis condition has been considered as a public health problem in Bolivia, Cuba, Chile, and Panama. It is estimated that every hour an osteoporosis hip fracture occurs in Colombia. READ MORE