Medical Equipment Market Update for Brazil — November 2021

The team at Global Health Intelligence has created a series of reports called LatAm Medical Market Pulse.

Our goal is to capture what is happening in the medical equipment market in Brazil and share these updates with our audience. Currently, our team already is in regular contact with thousands of hospitals as we update information for our HospiScope database and offer new data for our Latin America Hospital Monitoring service.

What we’ve done is take advantage of that regular contact to produce this new resource for our readers. In this issue for Brazil, we cover topics like:

  • Data on COVID deaths and vaccination levels
  • Herd immunization expectation for Brazil
  • Projected increases in capital expenditure budgets
  • When procedure volumes will return to pre-COVID levels in Brazilian hospitals
  • Trends in demand for consumables and in product prices

And much more.

LatAm Medical Market Pulse Brazil

Click here to download the report.

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