In a failed attempt to reduce the brokerage of personal data, Brazil’s Internal Revenue Agency (Receita Federal) cancelled access to the long-praised SISCORI system; leaving companies and trade [...]
La impresión 3D desarrollada en la década de 1980 ha evolucionado rápidamente y ha logrado insertarse en diversas industrias gracias a su versatilidad e impacto en los procesos. Esta tecnología [...]
3D printing, developed in the 1980s, has quickly evolved and managed to insert itself in various industries owing to its versatility and impact on processes. The technology — which basically [...]
While Global Health Intelligence (GHI) has been producing HospiRank since 2017, this ranking of the region’s best-equipped hospitals has always been focused on public, private and public-private [...]
The cost of laboratory tests has increased weekly and the bioanalysts' guild - fears that Venezuelans would neglect preventive medicine if it would mean they can have food on the table.
According to estimates by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Venezuela was the main importer of medicines in Latin America in 2013 with purchases of USD3.7 billion.
"Mamma print" is already available to all eligible Mexicans, a genomic analysis test can prevent the chemotherapy treatment in patients with breast cancer.