Argentina: Telemedicine – Fast growing segment of the healthcare industry

Telemedicine is a vital tool for the health sector in Argentina. Healthcare institutions use these services to have direct access to patients across the globe, which is indispensable for the growth of medical tourism.

Telemedicine is vital to expand the borders and provides the tools necessary for a patient to choose the doctor of their choice. Argentina generates approximately USD6 billion with export of Knowledge Based Services (SBC) that go through a cable and telemedicine is one among them.

The Omint health group of Argentina has an online medical platform for medical consultation through videoconference between a doctor and patient. Omint works with Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires (ICBA) on a program called “Balloon Gate” for patients with infraction. Once a patient calls for ambulance and in the times the ambulance reaches the Institute, patient data is sent to the clinic in electronic form reducing the diagnosis time and treating patient in the golden hour.

Argentina’s medical tourism is among the top five in Latin America and the low treatment prices drive the growth of this sector. As compared to the United States, surgeries in Argentina can cost up to four times less. Telemedicine is regarded as a fundamental technology for internationalization.


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