COFEPRIS, Mexico to work with PAHO/WHO for regulatory harmonization

The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS), in coordination with the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), will participate from 17th – 21st Oct in International Week, in which Mexico will host the meeting of the Pan American Network for Drug and device regulatory harmonization which will strengthen cooperation and advance the process of regulatory harmonization. During the International Week COFEPRIS, the Sixth Meeting of Regulatory Authorities for Strengthening Regulatory Capacity of Medical Devices in the Region of the Americas and the 4th Meeting of the International Program Regulators for Generic Drugs (IGDRP) will also take place; an initiative that promotes collaboration and convergence between regulatory agencies regarding generic drugs. Similarly, there will be the 9th meeting of Group OTC ILAR of the Latin American Association of nonprescription drugs, which will be attended by representatives of the industry and regulatory agencies of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.


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