Spotting Medical Devices Sales Opportunities in Colombia

One of the challenges with selling medical devices and medical equipment in Colombia is that even with tremendous experience, you can find yourself guessing as to what the needs are and who has the most need. Talented, knowledgeable professionals rely on their networks of contacts and what they notice about the marketplace. This makes sense and was a sensible approach.

These days, it may not be enough.

Global Health Intelligence built a database covering nearly 90% of the hospitals in Latin America, and in Colombia, we cover 74%. For each hospital in Colombia (and every other country) that we profile, we include more than 130 data points—especially what kind of medical devices and equipment that hospitals have. With this knowledge, a sales and marketing teams for medical devices/equipment firms in Latin America can see where hospitals are overstocked and, more importantly where they have the biggest needs.

Knowing that—as well as who to contact for purchases, which we also include in the database in many instances—your team can then identify strong prospects and sell.

Below you can download one of our fact sheets for Colombia that breaks down data on beds, rooms, different types of medical devices and equipment, IT infrastructure, procedures performed and more.

That will give you a basic idea of the data, but if you schedule a 30-minute demo with GHI, you can see for yourself how quickly this high-tech tool can uncover a slew of sales opportunities in Colombia and in many other Latin American medical device markets.

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