Brazil: Ministry of Health launches e-tool to improve access to health information

Ministry of Health (MoH) presented a new communication channel called “e-health” for the citizens of Brazil.

The new tool was presented during the Open Data on Health event in Brazil, by Google, in São Paulo.

The application offers online information on health and access to the data of the national health card, list of drugs withdrawn, vaccination card follow-up, list of examinations carried out, and other information.

The new tool once launched can be accessed on Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. The tool intends to use technology to integrate health data, improve the planning of activities and increase the access and quality of care provided to the population ultimately making the service more efficient.

This tool will aid in reducing wastage of services and connect patients to various stakeholders in the healthcare community.

Patients can access information from their location and avail the services nearest to their location. Citizens can lodge complaints of care and others online.

The tool has information from Hórus, Hemovida, Cartão SUS, CNES, e-sus AB, Ouvidoria and the Information System of the National Immunization Program (SIPNI).


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