Colombia: Debt to hospitals and clinics in the country reached USD7.3 trillion, the highest of the last 18 years

A report by the Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics (ACHC) revealed that the debt to hospitals and clinics for the provision of health services in the country reached USD7.3trillion, the largest amount of portfolio owed in the last 18 years.

The study notes that EPSs from the contributory scheme remain the largest debtors of hospitals with USD2.9bn, or 40% of total debt. Second is the EPS of the subsidized regime, with 32.5% of the debt, followed by the State (including territorial entities and the Fosyga) with USD742,706mn. The remaining money is owed by companies of prepaid medicine, insurers Soat, magisterio, IPS, companies and individuals.

The ACHC pointed out that in the face of this “critical” situation, the government must guarantee the payment of debts of entities in liquidation such as Saludcoop and Caprecom and those of the newly sold Cafesalud EPS, which represent 67% of non-performing loans, to avoid detriment to the country’s health sector.


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