Baja California: An attractive destination for medical device players

Baja California State of Mexico has always been an important destination for investment for global medical device players. The state is home to numerous small, medium and large domestic and foreign enterprises, which deal in medical devices trade. Most of the popular multinational companies have their manufacturing hubs, export centers and distribution channels in the state. Becton Dickinson, the medical device juggernaut, has recently invested USD 21 million (MXN 442 million) in the state for expansion of its business. The government of the state has thanked the medtech player for investment, as it will create lots of job opportunities. Becton Dickinson has plans to construct a clean room and lines of plastic injection molding and medium term sterilization post production process. The state is a national leader in the medical devices industry with 69 established companies that perform processes of design, assembly, manufacturing and sterilization, employing a workforce of 54,000 specialized workers.


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