The Deadliest Diseases in Argentina

Argentina is certainly not unique in the world in that they are seeing rising rates of diseases that cause death, disability or both. Due to the growing population of seniors, major illnesses are seeing a spike worldwide. What is unique about Argentina, however, is some of the issues faced by this major Latin American population center. For example, lower respiratory infections are a greater problem here than in other regions, as are stroke, lung cancer and car accidents.

To give you a clearer picture of the Argentinian health care situation, and where hospitals and medical centers may need support, we took a deep dive into the statistics related to death and disability in the country from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

Deadly Diseases

According to the IHME, Argentina’s list of deadly diseases differs slightly from some others in the region. Heart disease is at the top of the list in incidence in Argentina, which is not surprising, But lower respiratory infection ranks second, with a 24.8% increase in incidence from 2005 to 2016. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease are on the decline but still rank third overall. And COPD and Alzheimer disease are fourth and fifth with increases in incidence of 11.6% and 33.3%, respectively, since 2005.

Diseases That Cause Disability

As far as diseases that cause disabilities in Argentina, quite a few have seen a spike in incidence from 2005 to 2016. IHME reports that low back and neck pain has increased by 16.7%, skin disease by 12.2%, migraines by 14.4% and other musculoskeletal problems increased by 20.8%. Also of concern are disabilities related to depression and anxiety, which rose by 12.6% and 12.9%, respectively.

Death & Disability Combined

When you combine the data on death and disability, you see an interesting picture overall. A few of the issues that most increased in incidence between 2005 to 2016 were other musculoskeletal problems, low back and neck pain and lower respiratory infections. Diabetes, skin diseases, car accident and migraines are other notable concerns.

Risks in Argentina vs. Other Countries

When you compare Argentina’s data to others in the region, it paints an interesting picture of what issues are unique to Argentina. For example, deaths from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), chronic kidney disease and lower respiratory infection are all rising at higher rates in Argentina than elsewhere in the world. When you combine death and disability rates, low back and neck pain, lower respiratory infection, diabetes, migraine and other musculoskeletal problems are the major issues of concern.

How Hospitals Are Responding

Though the rates of death and disability related to many conditions in Argentina are on the rise, the nation’s hospitals and medical centers seem to be ready to meet the demand, as suggested by the numbers in our HospiScope database and tracking of medical device imports. In particular, they showed a substantial commitment to investing in new equipment from 2016 to 2017, with significant increases in certain areas:

  • A 50% or more increase in MRI machines, electrocardiogram machines and ventilators
  • A 47% increase in endoscopy towers
  • A 7% increase in the importation of electrocardiographs (quantities)

More Resources

Download our free 2018 HospiRank report on the best-equipped hospitals in Latin America to find out which are the best-equipped hospitals in Argentina in a variety of crucial sectors.

Next Steps

To explore about the opportunities for medical device/equipment and pharmaceutical manufacturers in Argentina, contact us for a demo of HospiScope — our LatAm hospitals database —, and SurgiScope, the first database tracking surgical procedures done in Latin American hospitals.

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