10 Essential Data Points about the Medical Equipment/Devices Market in Latin America
With 2021 close at hand, strategic investment of what is left of the 2020 budget is crucial.
Market intelligence – which allows you to understand acquisition trends, penetration levels and the how Latin America’s healthcare system compares with the world – could make the difference between a 2021 that gains back the ground lost in 2020… or falls short.
To help sales and marketing teams focused on Latin America, here are 10 key stats:
Growth rate for positron emission tomography in Mexican hospitals, 2016-2019
penetration rate of angiography systems in Argentina’s 2000+ hospitals
Total amount of hospitals in Brazil with 90+ beds
growth in fluoroscopy systems in Central American hospitals in 2019
The growth in linear accelerators in Colombian hospitals in 2019
growth in gamma cameras in Chilean hospitals, 2016-2019
equipment categories grew in Colombian hospitals in 2019, with linear accelerators, MRI machines and mammography systems growing the most
The drop in linear accelerators in Mexican hospitals in 2019, while 15 other categories (from anesthesia machines to positron emission tomography) grew from 0.5% to 20%
9.6% to 45.5%
In Peru, the range of expansion of the top 6 medical equipment types that grew the most in 2019
penetration for telemedicine in Chilean hospitals
Get Deeper Data
Go beyond these 10 figures to obtain 1,490 more key data points by ordering Medical Equipment Market Report Latin America 2020.

This comprehensive report identifies:
- The top 70 hospitals in Latin America in high-technology equipment adoption
- Overall penetration of basic equipment and specialized equipment in all Latin American hospitals
- Penetration of base installed equipment in 7 key Latin American hospital markets
- Total amounts of 19 crucial types of hospital equipment (ventilators, robotic surgery systems, hemodialysis machines, C-arms, patient monitors and more) in all of Latin America
- Average amounts of major hospital equipment types
- Importation growth and contraction trends, 2016-2019
- Healthcare technology penetration levels for top markets
And much more. Click here to view a report sample and table of contents.
As 2020 winds down, make the most of your budget by investing in market intelligence that could help ensure your success in 2021.