The Best-Equipped Hospitals
in Latin America for 2018
HospiRank: Identifying Top LatAm Hospitals in Terms of Equipment
This free report — which can serve as a resource for Latin American hospital administrators, medical device and equipment manufacturers targeting LatAm, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals — details the hospitals, clinics and other facilities with the largest counts of key medical devices and equipment.
HospiRank lists the best-equipped Latin American hospitals in 7 different categories, including:
- Hosting patients
- Accommodating newborn babies
- Diagnostic imaging
- Cancer treatment
- Handling high surgical procedure volume
- Treatment of cardiovascular conditions
- Surgical equipment
The data used to power HospiRank is from HospiScope, the massive hospitals database created by Global Health Intelligence. HospiRank covers several of the key hospital markets in Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and more.
Please fill out the form on the right to download the free report on the Best-Equipped Hospitals in Latin America 2018.
About GHI
Global Health Intelligence (GHI) created HospiRank from analyzing data found in HospiScope, the world’s largest database for Latin American hospitals. GHI also recently launched SurgiScope, the first database of surgical procedures performed in Latin American hospitals, to complement its healthcare market ShareScope services and In-Scope, through which it provides custom healthcare market research for pharmaceutical and medical devices companies.
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