Chile: Increased transparency amongst pharmaceutical industry stakeholders in Chile

The Medical College of Chile and Chamber of Pharmaceutical Innovation of Chile (CIF) signed an agreement that establishes an ethical framework to eliminate potential conflicts of interest amongst stakeholders in the medical industry.

This regulatory framework has been incorporated in the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) Code of Good Practices. It establishes that the activities and actions that could be interpreted or perceived as an incentive to the prescription of drugs away from the priority objective of providing health to patients will be stopped.

The CIF decided to take this step in their permanent self-regulation efforts. This framework marks a milestone in the medical industry and is the minimum ethical standard to be replicated amongst other stakeholders of the industry.

The CIF, associated laboratories and the Medical College of Chile believe that adopting this regulation will fulfill the objective of creating a transparent environment and promote industry growth. The Medical College of Chile and industry expressed their will and interest that this initiative could be undertaken by other stakeholders of the industry making it a universal practice for the better health and quality of life for Chileans.

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